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Location Tagging Photos with Your Android

Want to location tag your photos with your Android?  It’s simple and we tell you how to do it in this post. Why would you want to location tag? Well maybe you want to place your photos on a map so you can see where the photo was taken.  Take a look at  to see our twitter post 2photo location tagging application. It should give you a good idea if you are interested in such a thing.

Location tagging is also commonly referred to as geotagging. Here is the wiki for it.  Simply it’s the process of adding geographic information, normally latitude and longitude, to your media, and most commonly the media is a photograph. To geotag photos on your mobile phone is really simple. Here is how you do it on most Androids:

  • Launch your camera application. Once in your camera, tap on the gear symbol at the top which will get you to your camera settings.
  • Scroll down until you see “Location tags”. Turn location tags ON.  You should receive a message from your Droid that says something like: “Enabling Location tags will attach, embed, and store geographical location data within each picture that you take yadda, yadda.  Just click OK.
  • If your phone is already location enabled, then that is all you have to do. You are good to go. If not, you should be taken to your Location settings under Network Connections in your main Android settings. It is just a menu. Turn location enabling to ON. Normally the setting will be at the top of the screen.

That’s it. You should now be location tagging your photos. If you want to use RemoteDash My Tracks to map them, simply get the photos up to Google Drive and launch RemoteDash My Tracks from the Chrome store and carry on.  There are lots of web apps that map your geotagged photos but ours is free and I like it the best. Oh, I forgot, I’m biased. Anyway, have fun doing it.


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